Calls a view function on the blockchain given a function signature and address.
This function connects to the blockchain using a Web3 HTTP provider, constructs a
call to the specified contract address and function signature with the given arguments,
and returns the result of the call.
- function_sig (str): The function signature, including the input and output types, e.g., "some_func(uint256)(string)".
- address (str): The address of the smart contract.
- args (list[str]): The arguments for the function call.
- provider (SubprocessProvider): The subprocess provider i.e. alchemy, infura, foundry, ganache etc.
- Any: The result of the function call.
How this function is identifying the network ?
Read here:
>>> result = call_view_function("call_this_view_function(uint256)(string)", "0x80E097a70cacA11EB71B6401FB12D48A1A61Ef54", 6147190)
>>> print(result)
Source code in ape_utils/
| def call_view_function(function_sig: str, address: str, args: list[str], provider: Node) -> Any:
Calls a view function on the blockchain given a function signature and address.
This function connects to the blockchain using a Web3 HTTP provider, constructs a
call to the specified contract address and function signature with the given arguments,
and returns the result of the call.
- function_sig (str): The function signature, including the input and output types, e.g., "some_func(uint256)(string)".
- address (str): The address of the smart contract.
- args (list[str]): The arguments for the function call.
- provider (SubprocessProvider): The subprocess provider i.e. alchemy, infura, foundry, ganache etc.
- Any: The result of the function call.
How this function is identifying the network ?
Read here:
>>> result = call_view_function("call_this_view_function(uint256)(string)", "0x80E097a70cacA11EB71B6401FB12D48A1A61Ef54", 6147190)
>>> print(result)
""" # noqa: E501
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(provider.uri))
# get_signature(address, function_sig)
output = Call(address, [function_sig, *args])(_w3=w3)
# console.print(f"[blue]Output: [green bold]{output}")
return output