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chunk interface of the helper object for performing BMT actions on chunk data
payload the passed byte payload with which the object was initialized.
max_payload_length the maximum payload byte length in the chunk. It is 4096 by default.
span_length the reserved byte length for span serialisation. By default it is 8 bytes.
data() gives back the chunk's data that is exactly maxPayloadLength long
span() serialized span value of chunk
address() gives back the calculated chunk address of the data
inclusion_proof(segment_index) gives back the inclusion proof segments for proofing the segment under the given index.
bmt() gives back the Binary Merkle Tree of the chunk data
chunked_file interface of the helper object for performing BMT actions on file data
payload the passed byte payload with which the object was initialized.
leaf_chunks() data chunks of the file data
root_chunk() topmost chunk in the file BMT
address() gives back the calculated chunk address of file data
span() serialized span value of the file
bmt() gives back the Binary Merkle Tree of the file data
chunk_inclusion_proof groups chunk inclusion proof segments and span value of a chunk
chunk_address chunk address resulted from BMT hashing of data. It is used also for FileAddress
span span value in byte format. Indicates how much data subsumed under the Chunk/File


make_chunked_file makes Chunk helper object for performing BMT actions on file data
make_chunk makes Chunk helper object for performing BMT actions on chunk data
make_span make serialized Span byte array that indicates how much data subsumed under the Chunk/File
get_span_value deserialized data into number carrier by Span
root_hash_from_inclusion_proof calculate the BMT root hash from the provided inclusion proof segments and its corresponding segment index
get_bmt_index_of_segment get the chunk's position of a given payload segment index in the BMT tree
file_inclusion_proof_bottom_up gives back required sister segments of a given payload segment index for inclusion proof
file_address_from_inclusion_proof gives back the file address that is calculated with only the inclusion proof segments and the corresponding proved segment and its position.


utils mainly bytes related utility functions